Participation in the 7th International School of Nanomedicine

At the 7th International School of Nanomedicine, PhD student Jiří Dráb, Barbora Vyhlídalová, and Táňa Závodná presented their ongoing research funded by the OP JAK ExRegMed project. Their poster, titled “SPIO Nanoparticles as Promising Drug Carriers for Neurodegenerative Disease Treatment,” captured the attention of attendees.

The event took place from July 1st to 5th, 2024, in the picturesque town of Erice (Sicily, Italy) and was organized by the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Center for Scientific Culture Erice.

This year’s summer school theme, “Challenges and Prospects of Nanomedicine for Brain Targeting,” brought together top minds in the field to explore the latest advancements and future directions in nanomedicine for treating brain diseases.