Work Experience and Education:
- 2012 – now – junior researcher at the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials
- 2011 – 2012 – resercher at Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- 2011 – Ph.D. degree, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Thesis „Separation of physiologically acticve compounds by capillary electrophoresis“ - 1999 – 2004 – Msc. degree, Technical University in Gdansk, Poland.
Thesis „Method development for perfluorinated acids in water samples by HPLC-MS/MS“
Research Activities
- Development of new electromigration methods for pharmaceutical, food and biological samples.
- Study of permanent and dynamic coating of the capillary for capillary electrophoresis.
- Chiral separation – development and studies of the enantiomer separation.
Research activity:
Author and co-author of 22 research papers in impacted journals, 148 citation (without authocitation), h-index 8.
Research Projects
2013-2015 post-doc project GAČR „Study and characterization of new chemical modification of capillaries for capillary electrophoresis“ (13-10878P).
Society Membership:
2007 – Czech Chemical Society
- Znaleziona J., Ginterová P., Petr J., Ondra P., Válka I., Ševčík J., Chrastina J., Maier V., Determination and identification of synthetic cannabinoids and their metabolites in different matrices by modern analytical techniques – a review“ Anal. Chim. Acta, (2015) in press. IF~4.52
- Znaleziona J., Fejős I., Ševčík J., Douša M., Béni S., Maier V., Enantiomeric separation of tapentadol by capillary electrophoresis—Study of chiral selectivity manipulation by various types of cyclodextrins, J. Pharm. Biomed. Analysis, 105 (2015) 10-16. IF~2.871
- Ginterová P., Sokolová B., Ondra P., Znaleziona J., Petr J., Ševčík J., Maier V., Determination of mushroom toxins ibotenic acid, muscimol and muscarine by capillary electrophoresis coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, Talanta 125 (2014), 242-247. IF~3.756
- Lehnert, P., Přibylka, A., Maier, V., Znaleziona, J., Ševčík, J.,Douša, M. Enantiomeric separation of R,S-tolterodine and R,S-methoxytolterodine with negatively charged cyclodextrins by capillary electrophoresis J. Sep. Sci. 36 (2013) 1561-1567. IF~2.591
- Petr, J., Ginterová, P., Znaleziona, J., Knob, R., Lošåáková, M.,Maier, V., Ševčík, J. Separation of ketoprofen enantiomers at nanomolar concentration levels by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with on-line electrokinetic preconcentration Centr. Eur. J. Chem. 11 (2013) 335-340. IF~1.33
- Huliciak M., Vacek J., Sebela M., Orolinova E., Znaleziona J., Havlikova M., Kubala M., Covalent binding of cisplatin impairs the function of Na+/K+-ATPase by binding to its cytoplasmic part, Biochemical Pharmacology 83 (2012) 1507-1513. IF~4.576