Vzdělání a akademická kvalifikace
- 2000 ‒ Mgr. (Farmacie)
- 2004 ‒ Ph.D. (Farmaceutická chemie)
- 2017 ‒ Professor v oboru Farmaceutická chemie
Profesní pobyty v zahraničí
- Institute of Chemistry, University of Silesia in Katowice, Polsko (hostující profesor od 2009)
- School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, Čína (hostující profesor od 2016)
- 2019 ‒ Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau, Macau SAR, Čína
- 2018 ‒ Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Midwestern University, Phoenix, AZ, USA
- 2018 ‒ U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington D.C., USA
- 2017 ‒ Bosch Institute, University of Sydney, Austrálie
- 2017 ‒ Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana, Slovinsko
- 2016 ‒ Key Laboratory of Chemistry for Natural Products of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, Čína
- 2016 ‒ Department of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Polsko
- 2015 ‒ Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Cracow University of Technology, Polsko
- 2014, 2015 ‒ Department of Biochemistry and Neurobiology, Faculty of Materials Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Polsko
- 2000 ‒ Medicinal Chemistry Institute, Heidelberg University, Německo
Vědecké zaměření
- Design, syntéza a vztahy mezi strukturou a aktivitou antiinfekčních sloučenin, antineoplastik a protizánětlivých látek
- Design, syntéza a vztahy mezi strukturou a aktivitou inhibitorů fotosyntézy
- Studium fyzikálně-chemických vlastností bioaktivních látek, polymorfismus léčiv
- Studium in vitro biodostupnosti, nanočástic a ADME
- Školitel obhájených 18 diplomových, 13 rigorosních prací a 7 Ph.D. studentů
- Externí lektor IPVZ Praha (od 2009)
Člen edičních rad
- Current Chinese Chemistry
- Molecules
- Current Drug Discovery Technologies
- Medicinal Chemistry
- ChemistrySelect
- Military Medical Science Letters
Hostující editor
- Frontiers in Chemistry
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences
- Nanomaterials
- Current Medicinal Chemistry
- Monatshefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly
- Current Organic Chemistry
- Molecules
- Current Pharmaceutical Design
Členství ve společnostech
- Česká chemická společnost
- Slovenská chemická společnost
- International Association of Physical Chemists
- Working Group on New TB Drugs
Souhrn vědecké a publikační aktivity
- Recenzované publikace: 205
- Patenty/patentové přihlášky: 33
- Recenzované full-textové příspěvky na konferencích: 63
- Abstrakta z konferencí: 244
- Skripta: 7
- Monogrfie: spoluautor+co-editor 1; autor/spoluautor 28 kapitol
- Vyžádané přednášky: 63 (symposia, workshops), 28 (týdenní kurzy)
- Granty: 27
- 1720 citací bez autocitací (Web of Science Core Collection, VI/2020)
- h-Index: 30 (Web of Science Core Collection, VI/2020)
Další informace
Vybrané publikace
- Newton, J.; Palladino, E.N.D.; Weigel, C.; Maceyka, M.; Gräler, M.H.; Senkal, C.E.; Enriz, R.D.; Marvanová, P.; Jampílek, J.; Lima, S.; Milstien, S.; Spiegel, S. Targeting Defective Sphingosine Kinase 1 in Niemann-Pick Type C Disease: Discovery of a SphK1 Activator that Mitigates Cholesterol Accumulation. J. Biol. Chem. 2020, in press, doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.012659.
- Kauerová, T.; Goněc, T.; Jampílek, J.; Hafner, S.; Gaiser, A.K.; Syrovets, T.; Fedr, R.; Souček, K.; Kollár, Pr. Ring-Substituted 1-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-Carboxanilides Inhibit Proliferation and Trigger Mitochondria-Mediated Apoptosis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21 (10), 3416.
- Pospíšilová, Š.; Malík, I.; Bezoušková, K.; Kauerová, T.; Kollár, P.; Csöllei, J.; Oravec, M.; Čížek, A.; Jampílek, J. Dibasic Derivatives of Phenylcarbamic Acid as Prospective Antibacterial Agents Interacting with Cytoplasmic Membrane. Antibiotics 2020, 9 (2), 64.
- Gajdár, J.; Tsami, K.; Michnová, H.; Goněc, T.; Fojta, M.; Jampílek, J.; Barek, J.; Fischer, J. Electrochemistry of Ring-substituted 1-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxanilides: Relation to Structure and Biological Activity. Electrochim. Acta 2020, 332, 135485.
- Plachá, D.; Jampílek, J. Graphenic Materials for Biomedical Applications. Nanomaterials 2019, 9 (12), 1758
- Bąk, A.; Pížová, H.; Kozik, V.; Vorčáková, K.; Kos, J.; Treml, J.; Odehnalová, K.; Oravec, M.; Imramovský, A.; Bobáľ, P.; Smoliński, A.; Trávníček, Z.; Jampílek, J. SAR-mediated Similarity Assessment of Property Profile for New Silicon-based AChE/BChE Inhibitors. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20 (21), 5385
- Tyliszczak, B.; Drabczyk, A; Kudłacik‐Kramarczyk, S.; Rudnicka, K.; Gatkowska, J.; Sobczak‐Kupiec, A.; Jampílek, J. In vitro Biosafety of Pro-Ecological Chitosan Based Hydrogels Modified with Natural Substances. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 2019, 107 (11), 2501–2511.
- Campos, L.E.; Garibotto, F.M.; Angelina, E.; Kos, J.; Tomasic, T.; Zidar, N.; Kikelj, D.; Goněc, T.; Marvanová, P.; Mokrý, P.; Jampílek, J.; Alvarez, S.E.; Enriz, R. Searching New Structural Scaffolds for BRAF Inhibitors. Integrative Study using theoretical and experimental techniques. Bioorg. Chem. 2019, 91, 103125.
- Spaczyńska, E.; Mrozek-Wilczkiewicz, A.; Malarz, K.; Kos, J.; Goněc, T.; Oravec, M.; Doháňošová, J.; Kapustíková, I.; Liptaj, T.; Gawecki, R.; Bąk, A.; Jampílek, J.; Musioł, R. Design and Synthesis of Anticancer 1-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxanilides. P53 Independent Mechanism of Action. Sci. Rep. 2019, 9, 6387.
- Kos, J.; Ku, C.F.; Kapustíková, I.; Oravec, M.; Zhang, H.J.; Jampílek, J. 8-Hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxanilides as Antiviral Agents against Avian Influenza Virus. ChemistrySelect 2019, 4 (15), 4582-4587.
- Bąk, A.; Kozik, V.; Kozakiewicz, D.; Gajcy, K.; Strub, D.J.; Świetlicka, A.; Štěpánková, Š.; Imramovský, A.; Polański, J.; Smoliński, A.; Jampílek, J. Novel Benzene-based Carbamates for AChE/BChE Inhibition: Synthesis and Ligand/Structure-oriented SAR study. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20 (9), 1524.
- Vettorazzi, M.; Lima, S.; Acosta, L.; Yépes, F.; Palma, A.; Cobo, J.; Tengler, J.; Malík, I.; Alvarez, S.; Spiegel, S.; Cabedo, N.; Cortes, D.M.; Sanz, J.M.; Jampílek, J.; Enriz, R.D. Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Sphingosine Kinase 2 Inhibitors with Anti-inflammatory Activity. Arch. Pharm. 2019, 352 (3), 1800298.
- Jampílek, J.; Kos, J.; Kráľová, K. Potential of Nanomaterial Applications in Dietary Supplements and Foods for Special Medical Purposes. Nanomaterials 2019, 9 (2), 296
- Jampílek, J. Design and Discovery of New Antibacterial Agents: Advances, Perspectives, Challenges. Curr. Med. Chem. 2018, 25 (38), 4972-5006.
- Pisárčik, M.; Lukáč, M.; Jampílek, J.; Bilka, F.; Bilková, A.; Pašková, Ľ.; Devínsky, F.; Horáková, R.; Opravil T. Silver Nanoparticles Stabilised with Cationic Single-Chain Surfactants. Structure-physical Properties-biological Activity Relationship Study. J. Mol. Liq. 2018, 272, 60-72.
- Pospíšilová, Š.; Kos, J.; Michnová, H.; Kapustíková, I.; Strharský, T.; Oravec, M.; Móricz, Á.M.; Bakonyi, J.; Kauerová, T.; Kollár, P.; Čížek, A.; Jampílek, J. Synthesis and Spectrum of Biological Activities of Novel N-arylcinnamamides. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19 (8), 2318.
- Bąk, A.; Kozik, V.; Walczak, M.; Frączyk, J.; Kaminski, Z.; Kolesinska, B.; Smoliński, A.; Jampílek, J. Towards Intelligent Drug Design System: Application of Artificial Dipeptide Receptor Library in QSAR-oriented Study. Molecules 2018, 23 (8), 1964.
- Pospíšilová, Š.; Michnová, H.; Kauerová, T.; Pauk, K.; Kollár, P.; Vinšová, J.; Imramovský, A.; Čížek, A.; Jampílek, J. In Vitro Activity of Salicylamide Derivatives against Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2018, 28 (12), 2184-2188.
- Dolab, J.G..; Lima, B.; Spaczyńska, E.; Kos, J.; Cano, N.H.; Feresin, G.; Tapia, A.; Garibotto, F.; Petenatti, E.; Olivella, M.; Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Enriz, R.D. Antimicrobial Activity of Annona emarginata (Schltdl.) H. Rainer and Most Active Isolated Compound Against Clinically Important Bacteria. Molecules 2018, 23 (5), 1187.
- Kos, J.; Kapustíková, I.; Clements, C.; Gray, A.I.; Jampílek, J. 3-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-Carboxanilides and their Antitrypanosomal Activity. Monatsh. Chem. 2018, 149 (5), 887-892.
- Gajdár, J.; Goněc, T.; Jampílek, J.; Brázdová, M.; Bábková, Z.; Fojta, M.; Barek, J.; Fischer, J. Voltammetry of a Novel Antimycobacterial Agent 1-Hydroxy-N-(4-nitrophenyl)naphthalene-2-carboxamide in a Single Drop of a Solution. Electroanalysis 2018, 30 (1), 38-47.
- Pavić, K.; Perković, I.; Pospíšilová, Š.; Machado, M.; Fontinha, D.; Prudêncio, M.; Jampílek, J.; Coffey, A.; Endersen, L.; Rimac, H.; Zorc, B. Primaquine Hybrids as Promising Antimycobacterial and Antimalarial Agents. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2018, 143, 769-779.
- Vettorazzi, M.; Angelina, E.; Lima, S.; Goněc, T.; Otevřel, J.; Marvanová, P.; Padrtová, T.; Mokrý, P.; Bobáľ, P.; Acosta, L.M.; Palma, A.; Cobo, J.; Bobáľová, J.; Malík, I.; Alvarez, S.; Spiegel, S.; Jampílek, J.; Enriz, R.D. Search of New Structural Scaffolds for Sphingosine Kinase 1 Inhibitors. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2017, 139, 461-481.
- Jampílek, J. Design of Antimalarial Agents Based on Natural Products. Curr. Org. Chem. 2017, 21 (18), 1824-1846.
- Goněc, T.; Kos, J.; Peško, M.; Doháňošová, J.; Oravec, M.; Liptaj, T.; Kráľová, K.; Jampílek, J. Halogenated 1-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxanilides Affecting Photosynthetic Electron Transport in Photosystem II. Molecules 2017, 22 (10), 1709.
- Bąk, A.; Kozik, V.; Smoliński, A.; Jampílek, J. In Silico Estimation of Basic Activity-Relevant Parameters for a Set of Drug Absorption Promoters. SAR QSAR Environ. Res. 2017, 28 (6), 427-449.
- Goněc, T.; Kráľová, K.; Peško, M.; Jampílek, J. Antimycobacterial N-Alkoxyphenylhydroxynaphthalenecarboxamides Affecting Photosystem II. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2017, 27 (9), 1881-1885.
- Ranjith, P.K.; Mary, S.Y.; Panicker, Y.C.; Anto, P.L.; Armaković, S.; Armaković, S.J.; Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Van Alsenoy, C. New Quinolone Derivative: Spectroscopic Characterization and Reactivity Study by DFT and MD Approaches. J. Mol. Struct. 2017, 1135, 1-14.
- Pietrzyńska, M.; Zembrzuska, J.; Tomczak, R.; Mikołajczyk, J.; Rusińska-Roszak, D.; Voelkel, A.; Buchwald, T.; Jampílek, J.; Lukáč, M.; Devínský, F. Experimental and In Silico Investigations of Organic Phosphates and Phosphonates Sorption on Polymer-Ceramic Monolithic Materials and Hydroxyapatite. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2016, 93, 295-303.
- Pietrzyńska, M.; Tomczak, R.; Jezierska, K.; Voelkel, A.; Jampílek, J. Polymer-ceramic Monolithic In-Needle Extraction (MINE) Device: Preparation and Examination of Drug Affinity. Mat. Sci. Eng. C 2016, 68, 70-77.
- Jampílek, J. How Can We Bolster the Antifungal Drug Discovery Pipeline? Future Med. Chem. 2016, 8 (12), 1393-1397.
- Goněc, T.; Pospíšilová, Š.; Kauerová, T.; Kos, J.; Doháňošová, J.; Oravec, M.; Kollár, P.; Coffey, A.; Liptaj, T.; Čížek, A.; Jampílek, J. N-Alkoxyphenylhydroxynaphthalenecarboxamides and Their Antimycobacterial Activity. Molecules 2016, 21 (8), 1068.
- Bąk, A.; Kozik, V.; Smoliński, A.; Jampílek, J. Multidimensional (3D/4D-QSAR) Probability-Guided Pharmacophore Mapping: Investigation of Activity Profile for a Series of Drug Absorption Promoters. RSC Adv. 2016, 6 (80), 76183-76205.
- Kauerová, T.; Kos, J.; Goněc, T.; Jampílek, J.; Kollár, P. Antiproliferative and Pro-Apoptotic Effect of Novel Nitro-Substituted Hydroxynaphthanilides on Human Cancer Cell Lines. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17 (8), 1219 (14 pages).
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K.; Peško, M.; Kos, J. Ring-substituted 8-Hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxanilides as Photosystem II Inhibitors. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2016, 26 (16), 3862-3865.
- Pisárčik, M.; Jampílek, J.; Devínsky, F.; Drábiková, J.; Tkacz, J.; Opravil, T. Gemini Surfactants with Polymethylene Spacer: Supramolecular Structures at Solid Surface and Aggregation in Aqueous Solution. J. Surf. Deterg. 2016, 19 (3), 477-486.
- Jampílek, J. Potential of agricultural fungicides for antifungal drug discovery. Expert Opin. Drug Dis. 2016, 11 (1), 1-9.
- Ulahannan, R.T.; Panicker, Y.C.; Varghese, H.T.; Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Van Alsenoy, C.; War, J.A.; Al-Saadi, A.A. Vibrational spectroscopic and molecular docking study of (2E)-N-(4-Chloro-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinolin-3-yl)-3-phenylprop-2-enamide. Acta A 2015, 151, 335-349.
- Ulahannan, R.T.; Panicker, Y.C.; Varghese, H.T.; Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Van Alsenoy, C.; War, J.A.; Srivastava, S.K. Molecular structure, FT-IR, FT-Raman, NBO, HOMO and LUMO, MEP, NLO and molecular docking study of 2-[(E)-2-(2-bromophenyl)ethenyl]quinoline-6-carboxylic acid. Acta A 2015, 151, 184-197.
- Ulahannan, R.T.; Panicker, Y.C.; Varghese, H.T.; Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Van Alsenoy, C.; War, J.A.; Manojkumar, T.K. Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies and Molecular Docking Study of 2-[(E)-2-phenylethenyl]quinoline-5-carboxylic Acid. Acta A 2015, 150, 190-199.
- Kos, J.; Zadražilová, I.; Nevin, E.; Šoral, M.; Goněc, T.; Kollár, P.; Oravec, M.; Coffey, A.; O´Mahony, J.; Liptaj, T.; Kráľová, K.; Jampílek, J. Ring-substituted 8-Hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxanilides as Potential Antimycobacterial Agents. Med. Chem. 2015, 23 (15), 4188-4196.
- Zadražilová, I.; Pospíšilová, Š.; Masaříková, M.; Imramovský, A.; Monreal-Férriz, J.; Vinšová, J.; Čížek, ; Jampílek, J. Salicylanilide Carbamates: Promising Antibacterial Agents with High In Vitro Activity against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2015, 77, 197-207.
- Goněc, T.; Zadražilová, I.; Nevin, E.; Kauerová, T.; Peško, M.; Kos, J.; Oravec, M.; Kollár, P.; Coffey, A.; O´Mahony, J.; Čížek, ; Kráľová, K.; Jampílek, J. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of N-Alkoxyphenyl-3-hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxanilides. Molecules 2015, 20 (6), 9767-9787.
- Kos, J.; Nevin, E.; Šoral, M.; Kushkevych, I.; Goněc, T.; Bobál, P.; Kollár, P.; Coffey, A.; O´Mahony, J.; Liptaj, T.; Kráľová, K.; Jampílek, J. Synthesis and Antimycobacterial Properties of Ring-Substituted 6-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-Carboxanilides. Med. Chem. 2015, 23 (9), 2035-2043.
- Jampílek, J. Recent Advances in Design of Potential Quinoxaline Anti-Infectives. Curr. Med. Chem. 2014, 21 (38), 4347-4373.
- Ulahannan, R.T.; Panicker, Y.C.; Varghese, H.T.; van Alsenoy, C.; Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Anto, P.L. Vibrational Spectroscopic, 1H NMR and Quantum Chemical Computational Study of 4-Hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-8-carboxylic Acid. Spectrochim. Acta A 2014, 121, 445-456.
- Ulahannan, R.T.; Panicker, Y.C.; Varghese, H.T.; van Alsenoy, C.; Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Anto, P.L. Spectroscopic (FT-IR, FT-Raman) Investigations and Quantum Chemical Calculations of 4-Hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-7-carboxylic acid. Spectrochim. Acta A 2014, 121, 404-414.
- Pauk, K.; Zadražilová, I.; Imramovský, A.; Vinšová, J.; Pokorná, M.; Masaříková, M.; Čížek, A.; Jampílek, J. New Derivatives of Salicylamides: Preparation and Antimicrobial Activity against Various Bacterial Species. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2013, 21 (21), 6574-6581.
- Goněc, T.; Kos, J.; Zadražilová, I.; Peško, M.; Keltošová, S.; Tengler, J.; Bobál, P.; Kollár, P.; Čížek, A.; Kráľová, K.; Jampílek, J. Antimycobacterial and Herbicidal Activity of Ring-Substituted 1-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxanilides. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2013, 21 (21), 6531-6541.
- Čulen, M.; Řezáčová, A.; Jampílek, J.; Dohnal, J. Designing a Dynamic Dissolution Method: A Review of Instrumental Options and Corresponding Physiology of Stomach and Small Intestine. J. Pharm. Sci. 2013, 102 (9), 2995-3017.
- Mrózek, L.; Coufalová, L.; Rárová, L.; Plaček, L.; Opatřilová, R.; Dohnal, J.; Kráľová, K.; Paleta, O.; Král, V.; Drašar, P.; Jampílek, J. New Polyfluorothiopropanoyloxy Derivatives of 5β-Cholan-24-oic Acid Designed as Drug Absorption Modifiers. Steroids 2013, 78 (9), 832-844.
- Goněc, T.; Kos, J.; Zadražilová, I.; Peško, M.; Govender, R.; Keltošová, S.; Kollár, P.; Imramovský, A.; O´Mahony, J.; Coffey, A.; Čížek, A.; Kráľová, K.; Jampílek, J. Antibacterial and Herbicidal Activity of Ring-Substituted 2-Hydroxynaphthalene-1-carboxanilides. Molecules 2013, 18 (8), 9397-9419.
- Kos, J.; Zadražilová, I.; Peško, M.; Keltošová, S.; Tengler, J.; Goněc, T.; Bobál, P.; Kauerová, T.; Oravec, M.; Kollár, P.; Čížek, A.; Kráľová, K.; Jampílek, J. Antibacterial and Herbicidal Activity of Ring-Substituted 3-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxanilides. Molecules 2013, 18 (7), 7977-7997.
- Coufalová, L.; Mrózek, L.; Rárová, L.; Plaček, L.; Opatřilová, R.; Dohnal, J.; Kráľová, K.; Paleta, O.; Král, V.; Drašar, P.; Jampílek, J. New Propanoyloxy Derivatives of 5β-Cholan-24-oic Acid as Drug Absorption Modifiers. Steroids 2013, 78 (5), 435-453.
- Imramovský, A.; Pejchal, V.; Štěpánková, Š.; Vorčáková, K.; Jampílek, J.; Vančo, J.; Šimůnek, P.; Královec, K.; Brůčková, L.; Mandíková, J.; Trejtnar, F. Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of New Derivatives of 2-Substituted-6-Fluorobenzo[d]thiazoles as Cholinesterase Inhibitors. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2013, 21 (7), 1735-1748.
- Fajkusová, D.; Peško, M.; Keltošová, S.; Guo, J.; Oktábec, Z.; Vejsová, M.; Kollár, P.; Coffey, A.; Csöllei, J.; Kráľová, K.; Jampílek, J. Anti-Infective and Herbicidal Activity of N-Substituted 2-Aminobenzothiazoles. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2012, 20 (24), 7059-7068.
- Cieslik, W.; Musioł, R.; Nycz, J.; Jampílek, J.; Vejsová, M.; Wolff, M.; Machura, B.; Polański, J. Contribution to Investigation of Antimicrobial Activity of Styrylquinolines. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2012, 20 (24), 6960-6968.
- Jampílek, J.; Brychtová, K. Azone Analogues: Classification, Design, and Transdermal Penetration Principles. Med. Res. Rev. 2012, 32 (5), 907-947.
- Brychtová, K.; Dvořáková, L.; Raich, I.; Káčerová, S.; Plaček, L.; Kalinowski, D.; Richardson, D.R.; Jampílek, J. Investigation of Substituted 6-Aminohexanoates as Skin Penetration Enhancers. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2012, 20 (1), 86-95.
- Mrózek, L.; Dvořáková, L.; Mandelová, Z.; Rárová, L.; Řezáčová, A.; Plaček, L.; Opatřilová, R.; Dohnal, J.; Paleta, O.; Král, V.; Drašar, P.; Jampílek, J. Investigation of New Acyloxy Derivatives of Cholic Acid and Their Esters as Drug Absorption Modifiers. Steroids 2011, 76 (10-11), 1082-1097.
- Imramovský, A.; Peško, M.; Monreal-Férriz, J.; Kráľová, K.; Vinšová, J.; Jampílek, J. Photosynthesis-Inhibiting Efficiency of 4-Chloro-2-(chlorophenylcarbamoyl)phenyl alkylcarbamates. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21 (15), 4564-4567.
- Brychtová, K.; Raich, I.; Kalinowski, D.; Dvořáková, L.; Plaček, L.; Csőllei, J.; Richardson, D.R.; Jampílek, J. Investigating the Activity of 2-Substituted Alkyl-6-(2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl)hexanoates as Skin Penetration Enhancers. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2010, 18 (24), 8556-8565.
- Mrozek-Wilczkiewicz, A.; Kalinowski, D.; Musioł, R.; Finster, J.; Szurko, A.; Serafin, K.; Knas, M.; Kovacevic, Z.; Jampílek, J.; Ratuszna, A.; Rzeszowska-Wolny J.; Richardson, D.R.; Polański, J. Investigating Anti-proliferative Activity of Styrylazanaphthalenes and Azanaphthalenediones. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2010, 18 (7), 2664-2671.
- Brychtová, K.; Jampílek, J.; Raich, I.; Csőllei, J. Synthesis, Physico-chemical Properties and Penetration Activity of Alkyl-6-(2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl)-2-(2-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl)hexanoates as Potential Transdermal Penetration Enhancers. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2010, 18 (1), 73-79.
- Imramovský, A.; Vinšová, J.; Monreal-Férriz, J.; Doležal, R.; Jampílek, J.; Kaustová, J.; Kunc, F. New Antituberculotics Originated from Salicylanilides with Promising In Vitro Activity against Atypical Mycobacterial Strains. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2009, 17 (10), 3572-3579.
- Imramovský, A.; Vinšová, J.; Monreal-Férriz, J.; Buchta, V.; Jampílek, J. Salicylanilide Esters of N-protected Amino Acids as Novel Antimicrobial Agents. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2009, 19 (2), 348-351.
- Opletalová, V.; Kalinowski, D.; Vejsová, M.; Kuneš, J.; Pour, M.; Jampílek, J.; Buchta, V.; Richardson, D.R. Identification and Characterization of Thiosemicarbazones with Anti-Fungal and Anti-Tumor Effects: Cellular Iron-Chelation Mediating Cytotoxic Activity. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2008, 21 (9), 1878-1889.
- Doležal, M.; Čmedlová, P.; Palek, L.; Vinšová, J.; Kuneš, J.; Buchta, V.; Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Synthesis and Antimycobacterial Evaluation of Substituted Pyrazinecarboxamides. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2008, 43 (5), 1105-1113.
- Jampílek, J.; Rečková, Z.; Imramovský, A.; Raich, I.; Vinšová, J.; Dohnal, J. Study of Stability of New Mutual Prodrugs with Antimycobacterial Activity. Curr. Org. Chem. 2008, 12 (8), 667-674.
- Musioł, R.; Tabak, D.; Niedbala, H.; Podeszwa, B.; Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K.; Dohnal, J.; Finster, J.; Mencel, A.; Polański, J. Investigating Biological Activity Spectrum for Novel Quinoline Analogues 2: Hydroxyquinolinecarboxamides with Photosynthesis Inhibiting Activity. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2008, 16 (8), 4490-4499.
- Musílek, K.; Jampílek, J.; Dohnal, J.; Jun, D.; Gunn-Moore, F.; Doležal, M.; Kuča, K. RP-HPLC Determination of the Lipophilicity of Bispyridinium Reactivators of Acetylcholinesterase Bearing a But-2-ene Connecting Linker. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2008, 391 (1), 367-372.
- Podeszwa, B.; Niedbala, H.; Polański, J.; Musioł, R.; Tabak, D.; Finster, J.; Serafin, K.; Wietrzyk, J.; Boryczka, S.; Mól, W.; Jampílek, J.; Dohnal, J.; Kalinowski, D.; Richardson, D.R. Investigating the Antiproliferative Activity of Quinoline-5,8-dione Analogues on Tumour Cell Lines. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2007, 17 (22), 6138-6141.
- Jampílek, J.; Doležal, M.; Buchta, V. Antimicrobial Evaluation of Some Arylsulfanylpyrazinecarboxylic Acid Derivatives. Med. Chem. 2007, 3 (3), 277-280.
- Imramovský, A.; Polanc, S.; Vinšová, J.; Kočevar, M.; Jampílek, J.; Kaustová, J. A New Modification of Antitubercular Active Molecules. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2007, 15 (7), 2551-2559.
- Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K.; Richardson, D.R.; Kalinowski, D.; Podeszwa, B.; Finster, J.; Niedbala, H.; Pałka, A.; Polański, J. Investigating Biological Activity Spectrum for Novel Quinoline Analogues. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2007, 15 (3), 1280-1288.
- Vinšová, J.; Čermáková, K.; Tomečková, A.; Čečková, M.; Jampílek, J.; Čermák, P.; Kuneš, J.; Doležal, M.; Štaud, F. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of New 2-Substituted 5,7-Di-tert-butylbenzoxazoles. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2006, 14 (17), 5850-5865.
- Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Buchta, V.; Silva, L.; Niedbala, H.; Podeszwa, B.; Pałka, A.; Majerz-Maniecka, K.; Oleksyn, B.; Polański, J. Antifungal Properties of New Series of Quinoline Derivatives. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2006, 14 (10), 3592-3598.
- Jampílek, J.; Doležal, M.; Opletalová, V.; Hartl, J. 5-Lipoxygenase, Leukotrienes Biosynthesis and Potential Antileukotrienic Agents. Curr. Med. Chem. 2006, 13 (2), 117-129.
- Jampílek, J.; Doležal, M.; Kuneš, J.; Šatínský, D.; Raich, I. Novel Regioselective Preparation of 5-Chloropyrazine-2-carbonitrile from Pyrazine-2-carboxamide and Coupling Study of Substituted Phenylsulfanylpyrazine-2-carboxylic Acid Derivatives. Curr. Org. Chem. 2005, 9 (1), 49-60.
- Jampílek, J.; Doležal, M.; Kuneš, J.; Víchová, P.; Jun, D.; Raich, I.; O´Connor, R.; Clynes, M. Preparation of 2-(4-{[4-(Quinolin-2-ylmethoxy)phenyl]sulfanyl}phenyl)propionic Acid (VUFB 20615) and 2-Methyl-2-(4-{[4-(quinolin-2-ylmethoxy)phenyl]sulfanyl}phenyl)propionic Acid (VUFB 20623) as Potential Antileukotrienic Agents. Curr. Org. Chem. 2004, 8 (13), 1235-1243.
- Jampílek, J.; Doležal, M.; Kuneš, J.; Víchová, P.; Jun, D.; Hanika, J.; O´Connor, R.; Clynes, M. Synthesis of (2E)-2-Methyl-3-(4-{[4-(quinolin-2-ylmethoxy)phenyl]sulfanyl}phenyl)prop-2-enoic Acid (VUFB 20609) and 2-Methyl-3-(4-{[4-(quinolin-2-ylmethoxy)phenyl]sulfanyl}phenyl)propionic Acid (VUFB 20584) as Potential Antileukotrienic Agents. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 2004, 56 (6), 783-794.
Vybrané patenty
- Jampílek, J.; Opatřilová, R.; Dvořáková, L.; Dohnal, J. Utilization of Alaptide as Transdermal Penetration Modifier in Pharmaceutical Compositions for Human and Veterinary Applications Containing Glucocorticoids. CZ 306770 B6, May 17, 2017.
- Jampílek, J.; Opatřilová, R.; Dvořáková, L.; Černíková, A.; Dohnal, J. Utilization of Alaptide as Transdermal Penetration Modifier in Pharmaceutical Compositions for Human and Veterinary Applications Containing Antimicrobial Chemotherapeutics. CZ 306686 B6, March 29, 2017.
- Kozakiewicz, D.; Polański, J.; Jampílek, J.; Imramovský, A.; Štěpánková, Š. New Carbamates and Their Use. Polish Patent P.420629, February 23, 2017.
- Kozakiewicz, D.; Polański, J.; Jampílek, J.; Imramovský, A.; Štěpánková, Š. New Carbamate Derivatives and Their Application. Polish Patent P.420626, February 23, 2017.
- Mrozek-Wilczkiewicz, A.; Malarz, K.; Musioł, R.; Spaczyńska, E.; Krzykała, K.; Jampílek, J. New Naphthalene Derivatives and Their Application. Polish Patent P.419318, October 31, 2016.
- Jampílek, J.; Opatřilová, R.; Dvořáková, L.; Brychtová, K.; Dohnal, J. Utilization of Alaptide as Transdermal Penetration Modifier in Pharmaceutical Compositions for Human and Veterinary Applications Containing Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory and/or Antipyretic-Analgesic Drugs. CZ 304915 B6, December 10, 2014.
- Jampílek, J.; Opatřilová, R.; Řezáčová, A.; Oktábec, Z.; Dohnal, J. Alaptide: Methods of Effecting its Solubility, Membrane Permeation and Pharmaceutical Compositions for Human and/or Veterinary Applications. WO/2014/019556 A1, February 06, 2014.
- Jampílek, J.; Opatřilová, R.; Coufalová, L.; Černíková, A.; Dohnal, J. Utilization of Alaptide as Transdermal Penetration Modifier in Pharmaceutical Compositions for Human and Veterinary Applications Containing Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and/or Antimicrobial Chemotherapeutics. WO/2013/020527 A1, February 14, 2013.
- Král, V.; Oktábec, Z.; Jampílek, J.; Pekárek, T.; Proksa, B.; Dohnal, J.; Malovíková, A.; Ebringerová, A.; Řezáčová, A. Increase of API water-solubility and colon targeted drug delivery systems. CZ 302789 B6, September 29, 2011.
- Mudra, P.; Pokorný, V.; Pešek, V.; Poncar, P.; Bárta, J.; Řezáčová, A.; Jampílek, J.; Dohnal, J.; Král, V. Digestive Tract Simulator. WO/2011/069472 A1, June 16, 2011.
- Král, V.; Oktábec, Z.; Jampílek, J.; Pekárek, T.; Proksa, B.; Dohnal, J.; Malovíková, A.; Ebringerová, A.; Řezáčová, A.. Pectin Complexes of Sartans and Pharmaceutical Compositions Based Thereon. WO/2011/063775 A2, June 03, 2011.
- Král, V.; Oktábec, Z.; Jampílek, J.; Pekárek, T.; Proksa, B.; Dohnal, J.; Malovíková, A.; Ebringerová, A.; Řezáčová, A. Pectin complexes of steroids and pharmaceutical compositions based thereon. WO/2011/063774 A2, June 03, 2011.
- Mudra, P.; Pokorný, V.; Pešek, V.; Poncar, P.; Bárta, J.; Řezáčová, A.; Jampílek, J.; Dohnal, J.; Král, V. Digestive Tract Simulator. CZ 302422 B6, March 30, 2011.
- Král, V.; Brusová, H.; Jampílek, J.; Havlíček, J.; Pekárek, T.; Tkadlecová, M. Imatinib Mesylate Polymorphs Generated by Crystallization in Aqueous Inorganic Salt Solutions. WO/2011/023146 A1, March, 03, 2011.
- Král, V.; Jampílek, J.; Havlíček, J.; Brusová, H.; Pekárek, T. Dosage Forms of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors. WO/2010/081443 A2, July, 22, 2010.
- Svoboda, M.; Jampílek, J.; Kačírková, M.; Tomášek, V.; Lehocký, M.; Hejtmánková, L.; Vosátka, V. Crystalline Tolterodine Tartarate and a Pharmaceutical Composition Containing the Same. WO/2008/017278 A3, August 28, 2008.
- Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Buchta, V.; Kráľová, K.; Finster, J.; Podeszwa, B.; Tabak, D.; Polański, J. Quinazoline derivatives as fungicides and herbicides and their application. PL 379252 A1, October 01, 2007.
- Svoboda, M.; Jampílek, J.; Kačírková, M.; Tomášek, V.; Lehocký, M. Pharmaceutical composition containing tolterodine. CZ 298448 B6, August 24, 2007.
- Svoboda, M.; Jampílek, J.; Šebek, P. Pharmaceutical composition of clopidogrel hydrogenbromide. CZ 298349 B6, July 25, 2007.
- Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Buchta, V.; Niedbala, H.; Pałka, A.; Podeszwa, B.; Polański, J. Quinoline derivatives acting activity as fungicides and their application. PL 375805 A1, December 27, 2006.
- Musioł, R.; Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K.; Niedbala, H.; Pałka, A.; Podeszwa, B.; Polański, J. Derivatives of quinoline featuring activity as herbicides and algicides, their precursors, methods for their manufacture and their applications. PL 375678 A1, December 27, 2006.
Vybrané monografie/kapitoly v monografiích
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Synthesis of Nanocomposite from Agricultural Waste. In: Multifunctional Hybrid Nanomaterials for Sustainable Agri-food and Ecosystems. Kamel Ahmed Abd-Elsalam (Ed.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020, Chapter 4, 51-98. [ISBN 978-0-12-821354-4]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Potential of Nanoscale Carbon-based Materials for Remediation of Pesticide-Contaminated Environment. In: Carbon Nanomaterials for Agri-food and Environmental Applications. Kamel Ahmed Abd-Elsalam (Ed.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020, Chapter 17, 359-399. [ISBN 978-0-12-819786-8]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Nanocomposites: Synergistic Nanotools for Management Mycotoxigenic Fungi. In: Nanomycotoxicology – Treating Mycotoxins in the Nano Way. Mahendra Rai, Kamel Ahmed Abd-Elsalam (Eds.). Academic Press & Elsevier, London, UK, 2020, Chapter 15, 349-383. [ISBN 978-0-128-17998-7]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Impact of Nanoparticles on Toxigenic Fungi. In: Nanomycotoxicology – Treating Mycotoxins in the Nano Way. Mahendra Rai, Kamel Ahmed Abd-Elsalam (Eds.). Academic Press & Elsevier, London, UK, 2020, Chapter 14, 309-348. [ISBN 978-0-12-817998-7]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Natural Biopolymeric Nanoformulations for Brain Drug Delivery. In: Nanocarriers for Brain Targetting: Principles and Applications. Raj K. Keservani, Anil K. Sharma, Rajesh K. Kesharwani (Eds.). Apple Academic Press & CRC Press, Warentown, NJ, USA, 2020, Part I, Chapter 5, 131-203. [ISBN 978-1-77188-730-4]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. NOVÁK, Petr and NOVÁK, Michal. Nanobiotechnology in Neurodegenerative Diseases. In: Nanobiotechnology in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Mahendra Rai, Alka Yadav (Eds.). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland, 2019, Chapter 4, 65-138. [ISBN 978-3-030-30929-9]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Nanoformulations – Valuable Tool in Therapy of Viral Diseases Attacking Humans and Animals. In: Nanotheranostic – Applications and Limitations. Mahendra Rai, Bushra Jamil (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019, Chapter 7, 137-178. [ISBN 978-3-030-29767-1]
- Jampílek, Josef and KRÁĽOVÁ, Katarína. Beneficial Effects of Metal- and Metalloid-Based Nanoparticles on Crop Production. In: Nanotechnology for Agriculture – Advances for Sustainable Agriculture. Deepak G. Panpatte, Yogeshvari K. Jhala (Eds.). Springer Nature, Singapore, 2019, Chapter 11, 161-219. [ISBN 978-981-32-9369-4]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. CAMPOS, E.V.R.; FRACETO, L.F. Bio-based Nanoemulsion Formulations Applicable in Agriculture, Medicine and Food Industry. In: Nanobiotechnology in Bioformulations. Ram Prasad, Vivek Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Devendra K. Choudhary (Eds.). Springer, Cham, Germany, 2019, Chapter 2, 33-84. [ISBN 978-3-030-17060-8]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Impact of Nanoparticles on Photosynthesizing Organisms and their Use in Hybrid Structures with Some Components of Photosynthetic Apparatus. In: Plant Nanobionics. Nanotechnology in the Life Sciences – Vol. 1, Advances in the Understanding of Nanomaterials Research and Applications. Ram Prasad (Ed.). Springer, 2019, Chapter 11, 255-332. [ISBN 978-3-030-12495-3]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Recent Advances in Lipid Nanocarriers Applicable in the Fight Against Cancer. In: Nanoarchitectonics in Biomedicine. Alexandru M. Grumezescu (Ed.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019, Chapter 8, 219-294. [ISBN 978-0-12-816200-2]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Nano-biopesticides in Agriculture: State of Art and Future Opportunities. In: Nano-Biopesticides Today and Future Perspectives. Opender Koul (Ed.). Academic Press & Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019, Chapter 17, pp. 397-447. [ISBN 978-0-12-815829-6]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Nanotechnology Based Formulations for Drug Targeting to Central Nervous System. In: Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems. Raj K. Keservani, Anil K. Sharma (Eds.). Apple Academic Press & CRC Press, Warentown, NJ, USA, 2019, Part I, Chapter 5, 151-220. [ISBN 978-1-77188-695-6]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Benefits and Potential Risks of Nanotechnology Applications in Crop Protection. In: Nanobiotechnology Applications in Plant Protection. Kamel Abd-Elsalam, Ram Prasad (Eds.). Springer, Cham, Germany, 2018, Chapter 8, 189-246. [ISBN 978-3-319-91161-8]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Nanomaterials Applicable in Food Protection. In: Nanotechnology Applications in the Food Industry. Ravishankar R. Vittal and Jamuna A. Bai (Eds.). Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2018, Chapter 5, 75-96. [ISBN 978-1-4987-8483-2]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Application of Nanobioformulations for Controlled Release and Targeted Biodistribution of Drugs. In: Nanobiomaterials: Applications in Drug Delivery. Anil K. Sharma, Raj K. Keservani, Rajesh K. Kesharwani (Eds.). CRC Press, Waretown, NJ, USA, 2018, Part II, Chapter 5, 131-208. [ISBN 978-1-77188591-1]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Nanomaterials for Delivery of Nutrients and Growth-Promoting Compounds to Plants. In: Nanotechnology: An Agricultural Paradigm. Ram Prasad, Manoj Kumar, and Vivek Kumar (Eds.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2017, Chapter 9, 177-226. [ISBN 978-981-10-4572-1]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Nano-antimicrobials: Activity, benefits and weaknesses. In: Nanostructures in Therapeutic Medicine, Vol. 2 – Nanostructures for Antimicrobial Therapy. Anton Ficai, Alexandru M. Grumezescu (Eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017, Chapter 2, 23-54. [ISBN 978-0-323-46152-8]
- Jampílek, J.; Kráľová, K. Nanopesticides: Preparation, Targeting and Controlled Release. In: Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Industry, Vol. 10 – New Pesticides and Soil Sensors. Alexandru M. Grumezescu (Ed.). Academic Press & Elsevier, London, UK, 2017, Chapter 3, 81-127. [ISBN 978-0-12-804299-1]
- Jampílek, J.; Dohnal, J. Alaptide as Transdermal Permeation Modifier. In: Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers, Chemical Methods in Penetration Enhancement: Modification of the Stratum Corneum. Nina Dragicevic-Curic, Howard I. Maibach (Eds.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2015, Chapter 8, p. 115-132. [ISBN 978-3-662-47038-1]
- Jampílek, J. Azone and Its Analogues. In: Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers, Chemical Methods in Penetration Enhancement: Modification of the Stratum Corneum. Nina Dragicevic-Curic, Howard I. Maibach (Eds.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2015, Chapter 6, p. 69-106. [ISBN 978-3-662-47038-1]
- Jampílek, J.; Dohnal, J. Investigation of Carbohydrates and Their Derivatives as Crystallization Modifiers. In: Carbohydrates – Comprehensive Studies on Glycobiology and Glycotechnology. Chuan-Fa Chang (Ed.). InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2012, Chapter 5, pp. 81-116. [ISBN 979-953-307-908-9]
- Doležal, M.; Zitko, J.; Jampílek, J. Pyrazinecarboxylic Acid Derivatives with Antimycobacterial Activity. In: Understanding Tuberculosis – New Approaches to Fighting Against Drug Resistance. Pere-Joan Cardona (Ed.). InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2012, Chapter 10, pp. 233-262. [ISBN 978-953-307-948-6]
- Modern Approaches to Pharmaceutical Analysis (in Czech). Jiří Dohnal, Josef Jampílek, Vladimír Král, Anna Řezáčová (Eds.). Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Czech Republic, 2010, 500 pp. [ISBN 978-80-7305-085-6]